How to Work the Wait with Special Guest: Jason Burns
This week we were joined by Jason Burns, founder of Radiant Printing and pastor of Access Church in Lakeland, Florida. Our theme this week came from a concept that Jason created for Radiant known as “Work the Wait” – working on our churches during this crisis so that when we’re ready to come back together we’re better than ever at making disciples of Jesus.
You can watch the video version of the podcast on Facebook or YouTube.
Now is the perfect time to work on your church for a variety of reasons:
Pre-COVID Challenges Are Hidden, Not Gone
The things that were holding you back from being the church you envisioned so long ago have not gone away. They will resume as soon as you do. Take the opportunity to work on your church. Tackle the hard stuff. We promise that it’s easier to do it now than it will be to do it later.
Your Church Is Open to Change
COVID-19 has exposed a truth that always existed. The status quo is a myth. Your church is either improving on purpose or declining through inaction. Here’s the good news. Most in your congregation don’t expect everything to be the same when your campus reopens. Since change is expected, do the work now to lead effective, positive change. Don’t just let change happen to you.
Timing Is Everything
Most states (as of May 2020) are already at the point of allowing small teams to meet together, so you can work with your leadership team through a strategic planning process. You can do it yourself, or you can go further faster (time is of the essence!) and let us guide you through the Strategic Envisioning process. Your church can become a community of thriving and dynamic disciple-makers in your city.
We’re here for you and praying for your success. If you’d like to connect with one of us to discuss how we can help your church get further, faster, and with less frustration in making disciples of Jesus, click here now.

A.J. Mathieu is the President of the Malphurs Group. He is passionate about helping churches thrive. A.J. lives in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex, enjoys the outdoors, and loves spending time with his wife and two sons. Click here to email A.J.