The Ultimate Reopening Resources Bundle

Four practical resources to help your church thrive through COVID-19 & beyond!

Four game-changing resources that empower you to thrive!

Included in the Ultimate Reopening Resource Bundle:

1) The Ready to Reopen Church Checklist PDF

2) The Roadmap to Reopen Phased Guidelines for Churches PDF

3) Reimagining Your 2020 Vision Video Training (w/ PDF Notes)

4) The Reopening Your Campus Action Plan Template

    Simply fill out the form and receive resource files via email!

    The Ready to Reopen Church Checklist

    Leading your church through this season of change is a challenge. There are new obstacles to navigate every day. 

    But right now, your church has an opportunity to get prepared

    In this free PDF checklist, you’ll learn everything you need to know to be Ready to Reopen your church as soon as it is permitted, including:

    • Keys to getting your facility ready
    • Obstacles you can prepare for in advance
    • Ways to innovate and be ahead of the curve
    • Unseen opportunities you won’t want to miss

    Get step-by-step guidelines to reopening your campus in phases.

    Your church campus closed almost overnight, but re-opening your campus is a different story. 

    The White House has provided guidelines for reopening the economy in three phases, and each phase has implications for your church.

    Our team has broken it all down for you, and is empowering you to create a custom, phased approach for reopening your church campus.

    In this video training, you will learn:

    1. What hasn’t changed.

    Even though you are navigating a season of unprecedented change, discover the anchors your church must stay connected to in order to thrive.

    2. What has to change.

    Your church will never be able to go back to “normal.” Learn which aspects of ministry will be changed forever, and how you can adapt.

    3. What gets to change.

    You have an unprecedented opportunity for your church to become the healthiest it has ever been. Learn how you can take advantage of this season, and become a thriving church.


    Put all the pieces together.

    Take what you’ve learned from the Checklist, Roadmap, and Video Training to create a custom reopening action plan.


    Use this customizable and editable Excel template to define your reopening milestones and action items. Set deadlines, and commit to action!