by Scott Ball | Mar 11, 2020 | Church Consulting, Church Growth, Church Health, Church Revitalization, Leadership, Leadership Development, Podcast
The number one barrier to a successful revitalization process is implementation. It is easy to become a slave to the urgent. Sunday comes every seven days, and so there is always a sermon to prepare. People get sick and need prayer and visitation. Marriages need...
by admin | Sep 3, 2019 | Church Governance, Church Health, Church Revitalization, Developing Leaders, Leadership, Leadership Development, Podcast, Recruitment, Strategic Planning
Revitalization is difficult. It requires the church to embrace the need for change. It demands that the church confront its current reality. It means that the church finally rejects the status quo. The problem is that in many churches, revitalization is just one...
by admin | Jun 4, 2019 | Church Culture, Church Growth, Church Health, Church Revitalization, Values
We do what we value. A few weeks ago, I received an email from a pastor who said, “all this talk about mission and values is theoretical, I only want to talk about practical stuff.” In other words, he thought that having a discussion about core values was fluff and...