Equipping Equippers to Build the Global Church

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 133

How can the local church help build the global church?

Not everyone knows that The Malphurs Group is more than just a domestic ministry working in the United States.  In fact, people from 67 different countries around the world downloaded The Church Revitalization Podcast so far in the month of March, 2022.  We love that.  Why?  Because it’s evidence of vision progress.

We envision the church health resources we produce helping churches all over the world find new life, joy, and anticipation of the Lord doing extraordinary things through them to reach people with the Gospel, and make disciples that make disciples.

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Before covid, we began seeing things accelerate, and we started making plans to meet people where they were for help – outside the United States.  Of course, the pandemic delayed our plans, but it couldn’t stop God.

Fast forward to today, and I’m writing this from Paris where our team will be meeting with faithful international church planters to talk about the current state of the church here and how the future could look.

We also just finished four days in Dubrovnik, Croatia where we trained up International Baptist Church leaders in developing a Leadership Pipeline in their churches to multiply their ministry efforts even though (or even more so) they have very transient populations passing through their churches.

This has been a listening mission in addition to a training mission.  We are here to learn.  We want to serve the churches here to the best of our abilities, and that takes an understanding of their unique challenges.

Fortunately, we already had a secret weapon on our team.  TMG Church Guide, Dany Loverde lives in Sweden and speaks Swedish, French, English and Italian.  As a native European who has lived in several countries, Dany is helping to shortcut the time that we need to really become effective equippers of Europe’s equippers.

We love the Church.  We know that you do too.  If you’re a church leader, we would also love for your church to pray about supporting The Malphurs Group in our International Ministry work.  Everything we do for churches internationally is at no cost, so we need your support.  If you’re not a church leader, your support is just as valuable.

Visit https://healthychurchesglobal.com/donate to read about and contribute to our work to serve the global church.  Your ongoing support will enable us to build up the church everywhere we’re needed.

Blessings to you, and thank you!

Watch this episode on YouTube

A.J. Mathieu is the President of the Malphurs Group. He is passionate about helping churches thrive. A.J. lives in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex, enjoys the outdoors, and loves spending time with his wife and two sons. Click here to email A.J.

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 Healthy Church? 

We believe getting churches healthy again is just as important as planting new ones. Here are our best tips to get you going in the right direction.

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